Microwave Frequency Scanning
EUNATEL offers a service to its clients called microwave frequency scanning, which enables them to achieve fast wireless connectivity across extended distances.
Antenna & Cable Installation and Testing
EUNATEL provides antenna and cable installation and testing services, with the necessary hardware for effective telecommunications, such as antennas and cables.
Site commissioning and decommissioning
EUNATEL offers site commissioning and decommissioning services, including the activation and deactivation of telecommunication sites and associated equipment.
Fibre Optic Installation, Testing and Commissioning.
EUNATEL provides services for fibre optic installation, testing, and commissioning, including setting up, verifying and activating fibre optic cables for optimal telecommunications performance
Digital Microwave Installation Testing and Commissioning
EUNATEL offers services for digital microwave installation, testing, and commissioning, including the setup, verification, and activation of digital microwave technology for efficient telecommunications.
Hybrid and Generator installations
EUNATEL provides hybrid and generator installation services, including the setup and activation of backup power systems to ensure uninterrupted telecommunications operations.
Our working process - how we
work for our clients
EUNATEL follows a planning process for every project before initiating the design phase, ensuring that all requirements and objectives are clearly defined and understood.
EUNATEL always undertakes a design phase for every project before proceeding to development, ensuring that the telecommunications infrastructure or system is carefully planned and documented to ensure efficient and effective implementation.
EUNATEL undertakes the development phase for every project before delivery, ensuring that the telecommunications infrastructure or system is built and tested to meet the specifications and requirements set out in the planning and design phases.
EUNATEL ensures that every project it handles is delivered to the highest standard, meeting the requirements and expectations of its clients and providing reliable and efficient telecommunications infrastructure and services.